The Legend of King Midas (Complete story of King Midas)

kingdoms always fueled humanity's relentless pursuit of power and wealth. But unbridled thoughtless, greed, only leads to tragedy. The Myth of King Midas is perfectly illustrative of the consequences when man puts his greed above all things. The moral of this myth is powerful and is still up to date after 3000 years after this first hope.  

In the distant kingdom of Phrygia, the god Dionysus could not find Salinas, his faithful drinking companion. He was also the god's master and foster parent Salinas was considered a sage who delivered his best lessons when drunk while acquiring the Power of Prophecy, the wise old man was found and passed down by peasants in the forest, after suffering an alcoholic coma. They took him to King Midas who recognized and welcomed him immediately, with full hospitality. There were days of drinking and feasting in honor of the illustrious guest. The god Dionysus was pleased to find his old companion so well treated by his host. He greeted King Midas and as a sign of gratitude for the good deed decreed to fulfill any of Midas's wishes. The ambitious Midas did not reflect deeply on the matter and quickly chose his wish. I want everything I touched to turn into gold, 'are you sure' asked Dionysus, 'yes of course' said Midas I will be the richest man who ever lived, Dionysus fulfilled his wish, but felt sorry for Midas is that he didn't make a better choice. Midas eager to test his new talent, picked up a small stone that lay on the ground, and immediately turned into a gold nugget euphoric Midas touched, several things, and all of them

 immediately displayed the golden color of gold, might have suddenly felt hungry, and decided to eat an apple. As he touched the fruit. It turned into a copy of the golden palms in the gardens of the hesperids the shrewd Midas tried a new approach he took a fork, which soon turned golden and stuck into, into a piece of bread. The king brought the fork to his mouth, and as he tried to bite into it. He felt his to crack as the bread, and also turned to gold. The king realized that what he found was a gift was a curse. Midas just felt that his end was inevitable. Since he would quickly die without food, and he collapsed in tears on the dining table. The king's daughter arrived at the palace and saw her father weeping on the table, attempting to consult him. She touched her father's hand. Midas looked at horror at his daughter, who had turned into a statue of gold. The desperation he knelt, and asked for the god dionysus to remove that nefarious power. The God took pity on Midas as he had no intention of harming  his daughter. Dionysus asked the king to plunge into the waters of the river paktolas and already in the water, to ask that the power of his touch to be removed. Midas bathed in the waters and the river bed became covered with the golden sand, and the scales of the fish also began to glittered like gold. The king was finally free of the curse. Everything he touched to return to normal, including his daughter. After this trauma. Midas repudiated all wealth and left in the company of Pan, to live simply, humbly, in the forest.

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