In the city of Corinth, the descendants of Sisyphus the man who dared to deceive the gods reigned over the city. King glaucous had two sons, Deleities, his favorite, and Bellerophon, who was so beautiful that people said he was Poseidon's son. The two brothers had a great rivalry. And almost always, whenever they trained their martial techniques Bellerophon lost. But as he grew Bellerophon became stronger and more agile and their clashes got more violent. Despite improving every day. Deleities was more skilled than Bellerophon during the fights, he displayed exaggerated confidence in prudently triggering his brother. Angered by his brother's provocations Bellerophon started fighting furiously, forgetting his own fatigue, and he beat his brother, with an unusual speed. One of his fast blows overcame Deleities defensive stance and Bellerophon hit the prince's head with great violence, Deleities fell to the ground. His body motionless Bellerophon ran to help him. But the young princess spirit had left for the kingdom of Hades Bellerophon cried with his brother in his arms, while the king ran to see what had happened. "No, no, no. What happened' said the king fuelled by the enormous pain of losing his favorite son. The king expelled Bellerophon from his kingdom and ordered him never to return. "It was an accident. We were training, and it can't be. It can't be kept out" said Bellerophon. "Take that curse that you have shed on us out." shouted the king.The young man left under the disapproving looks of his compatriots who had much love for the dead prince, and so Bellerophon crossed the gates of the city, carrying on his shoulders the weight of guilt, and under the curse of a terrible sin. The young man wandered aimlessly through Greece until he reached the city of Tiryns, ruled by King proteus when the monarch learned that the exiled Prince of Corinth was in his lands, he offered him lodging, and treated him with all respected hospitality, obeying the principles of Zeus Bellerophon taught the King, the reason for his banishment and swore that everything had been a terrible accident. The king was moved by the situation and promised to help him. proteus organized a purification ritual to atone for the sins of the Corinthian Prince. You will be an honorary citizen of Tiryns, this is now your home, you will be forgiven by the gods. Let's make an offering to them. said proteus With this sacrifice offered to the gods, Bellerophon sins were purged and the young man now owed a great debt of gratitude to the King, the Queen of Tiryns felt mesmerized while contemplating the young man at the peak of his beauty Bellerophon began to reside in the court of King proteus and did not realize the desire of Queen. One day Bellerophon was invited to a private meeting with the queen. Your Highness, how can I help you. asked Bellerophon The queen is turned and used her beauty to seduce him, but out of respect and gratitude, Bellerophon did not think of committing such treason and rejected the queen. My apologies. I have a task to finish the Queen audibly unsalted the principle that questioned his manhood. But he ignored and left a woman on her knees, but the Queen would not accept that humiliation and wanted revenge on the young man who had rejected her. Queen addressed the king, and with crocodile tears dropping from her eyes, denouncing Bellerophon's rape attempt. The king was taken by a huge fury, but due to the duty of hospitality required by Zeus, he could not attack his guest. What a scoundrel. I opened the doors of my kingdom to him. I will take care of it. said, king
But proteus was a wise man and devised a plan to get rid of the guest who had supposedly Dishonored his home. The King ordered the scribe to write a letter to his father-in-law and delivered this sealed message to Bellerophon asking him to give it to Iobates. He's the king of lysia Bellerophon naively accepted the task of his host for whom he nurtured enormous gratitude, without suspecting that he had devised a way to kill him.
Upon finding an entourage dressed in the colors of his son-in-law's kingdom, the king of lysia ordered preparations to welcome the visitors. The king was deeply amicable to Bellerophon. After all, a friend of his son-in-law would also be his friend, the young man tried to deliver the message to the king. But he refused to check it before the young man knew lyceus hospitality. Welcome Young man, I come on behalf of King Proteus. He asked me to give you one. During a great feast, Iobates presented his beautiful daughter to the man from Corinth, who was immediately struck down by an arrow's error. In an attempt to recover his composure Bellerophon decided to deliver the message to the king. Iobates was stunned by its content. The letter said that the bearer of that document had attempted to rape the daughter of lyceus king and that he should get the punishment he deserved. Like his brother-in-law, the King began to feel hatred for Bellerophon, but even consumed by resentment, I obey these realize to the interest of the young Bellerophon for his daughter Lycee as monarch wanted to take that opportunity to get rid of his guest. The King said he would give his daughter's hand to the young prince if he helped him in a difficult task. I obeyed he explained to Bellerophon that his kingdom was suffering terrible scourge villages were destroyed plantations burned into cattle perished. All this because of a terrible creature. The king promised to deliver his beautiful daughter to the heroin case he would read like see his kingdom up this creature Bellerophon feeling an enormous sense of courage fed by passion. Promptly accepted the challenge that task is mine. I will put an end to this curse Bellerophon took up arms and left in search of the creature satisfied. Iobates the man who supposedly tried to rape his eldest daughter, headed for a terrible death. The youngster had no idea that he would meet one of the most fearsome creatures that had ever passed through the Earth. His name was chimera the monster descended from Typhon
. Two of the most sinister creatures of the Greek world. This monster had a lion:s head a goat's head, and its tail, was a terrible snake. The beast was a terrible aggressive animal. Nothing could resist His sharp claws and his flaming breath burned everything around him. But before meeting this evil creature. The gods provided an unexpected encounter Bellerophon found the magnificent winged horse Pegasus, son of Medusa and Poseidon, drinking water in his stream. He knew that if he could tame that creature. He would be practically invincible. The hero stealthy approached the wind horse, and jumped on the animal, which reacted immediately bouncing frantically Pegasus threw the daring young man away, he fell to the ground and hit his head on a rock Bellerophon became unconscious, and his mind entered the kingdom of Morpheus, the god of dreams in his sleep. He came upon Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who had golden reigns in her hands and am I dreaming. Athena gave Bellerophon for whom she felt great empathy, the special reins and explained how to attain Pegasus. When the young man awoke in his hands, he had the Goddesses divine reigns and Pegasus was still around. Following the goddess guidance, Bellerophon calmly approached the glorious animal, and gently put the reins on it. Easy, my friend. I will need your help. The Prince of Corinth mounted the winged horse and began galloping Bellerophon at the glorious creature took flight Pegasus had never been mounted, but the union between the knight and the animal was so perfect that they pierced to the clowns, as if they were one single creature. At the top Bellerophon noticed a huge column of smoke, indicating the presence of the terrible Chimera. Looks like we found the monster. The beastial creature destroyed everything around him, and the flames consumed the village, up there Bellerophon was assessing his opponent. He was a more dangerous enemy than he had imagined. The beasts spat gushes of fire against the hero, but the Agile aquail could anticipate the trajectory of those deadly attacks, Pegasus and Bellerophon fluid circles around the creature, which seemed to be increasingly confused. The hero attacked Chimera, and he prepared to fight back.
The Beast jumped on Pegasus, but the animal responded with a kick to the beast's head. Realizing that the monster was vulnerable Bellerophon jumped off of his horse and pierced the beast with his spear. Chimera was dead. And after exterminating the beast Bellerophon felt overwhelmed by an enormous sense of power. He began to believe the stories about him being Poseidon"s son. This damned demon required a great effort. I was blessed in this fight. And now I will take the trophy to prove my worth Bellerophon returned to the palace of Iaobates, with the monster's head as a trophy. The king was impressed. He never thought that boy would be able to complete the task successfully. How in the hell did I mean he's dead. The king told Bellerophon that he would prepare the wedding as soon as two other threats were neutralized the soulamai and the Amazons, unfortunately, I have two other tasks before I grab my daughter's hand
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what do you think have happened to the prince let me know in the comment section...!!!
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