Legend of the Little red riding hood ( complete story) The Original Fairy Tale of Little Red Riding Hood

 Once upon a time in the Black Forest of Germany, there lived a young girl beloved and by all who knew, but not up to her as much as her grandmother who would do anything for her. One day, she gave the girl a token of her love red velvet cloak suited her so well, that she seldom took it off. It was called Little Red Riding Hood. One summer day. Little Red Riding's grandmother had fallen ill. And the girl was tasked, with bringing her a piece of cake, and a bottle of wine to her home deep in the woods. Before she set off  Little Red's mother packed her basket and warned her to stay on the path, and be wary, with the woods are not a safe place, with a spring in her step. Little Red Riding Hood was off into the woods to her Grandmother's home. Little Red mother was right, the Black Forest was not a safe place, especially for a small child. Even during the daylight hours. The woods were full of shadows. The trees closed in all around. A truly foreboding place where all manners of ravenous of the beast waiting to snatch the unwary traveler like a frog snatches a fly. But  Little Red pawed the forest and its creatures no mind her head swimming with youthful bliss. Then suddenly, a large wolf stepped out onto the path in front of her the great Beast with licking his chops. The innocent little red naively smiled at them and wished him a good day. The wolf with a sneaky creature by nature asked her where she was off to. and What, pray to tell, was in her basket. The young interesting girl replied, she was off to her, ill grandmother's house, and the contents of the basket of Cake and wine were for her. The wolf's mouth began to water, and he continued to take advantage of the girl's innocence, by asking where her grandmother lived. Red Riding Hood then revealed her grandmother's cottage was a quarter league further up the path. Underneath three large oaks. The wolf began to plot, he would feast upon the girl her grandmother, and the basket's contents, what he needed to act craftily. He brought Little Red Riding Hood to a small clearing in the woods, a meadow, filled with beautiful flowers and birds singing. Little Red fancied bringing her grandmother a bouquet of wildflowers and lost herself in the meadow.  r the wolf made his way to grandmother's house and knocked on the door, tending to the little red. Grandmother was excited and welcomed the visitor into her home. As the door swung open the wolf lept upon grandmother and devoured her quickly. He dressed in your clothing. His next course was on its way. A short while later, Red Riding Hood arrived at grandmother's cottage. As she entered the house, a sense of dread and came over. But her inexperience kept her from discerning exactly why. She went into grandmother's room and pulled back the curtain to see her grandmother lying in bed with  her cap pulled far down her face


No sooner did the words escaped his lips, the wolf lept from his disguise. And in the blink of an eye, and swallow the girl and consume baskets gifts with his belly full his mind, adult by the wine the wolf lay down in the bed. So fastest. What the wolf did not know, however, as he himself was being a woodcutter and huntsmen his rifle slung over his shoulder, an ax in his hand. the woodsmen had been passing the cottage when he heard the beastly snores coming from within. he knew who the woman and something was not right.

He entered the house, and thought of killing the wolf but thought the people inside his stomach would still be saved. So we took a pair of scissors and began. out the little red and her grandmother both shaking, but very much alive and very much.

 . Red Riding Hood hastily gathered large stones and placed them in the open cavity of the wolf's stomach before stitching it closed when the Wolf of Wall. He was frightened by the dreaded woodsman, and the girl and her grandparents. Just standing before him. He tried to run but in vain the stone crashed into the ground. and he fell dead. the Woodsmen then skinned the wolf as little red embraced her grandmother vowing never to leave the path, or be too trusting of strangers. One year later, little red was on the path to her grandmother's house as with before a wolf stepped out and attempted to entice her from the path little red and learn from her past experience, and ignored the reading followed her set to the cottage where he knocked on the door.  both little red and her grandmother did not make a sound 

Wolf circled the house and lept into the roof. Pouncing on the girl When she would leave her grandmother had a plan, she had soaked crops with water she had sausages and the smell of the sausages reached to the wolf he lept. And he slipped toward the draw, where he bent down so far over the side that he lost his footing, and down the wolf fell into the trough  the Little Red Riding was  safe 

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