The Glory of Napoleon: The Emperor of France - The life of Napoleon and the Napoleonic wars

 Napoleon's returned stirred up the French population, which was deeply dissatisfied with the dictatorial rule of the directory. This name derived from the executive power exercised by five members, known as directors, even though he suffered some defeats in Egypt, Napoleon returned as a hero, and was acclaimed by the people, the directory became concerned and even accused Napoleon of desertion before leaving Egypt without having received official orders to do so. The charges were unsuccessful due to the lack of support from politicians who are against the directory. Napoleon formed an alliance with Lucian his younger brother and president of the Council of 500, along with director, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes and other allies, they overthrew the directory in a coup of 18 Brumaire. on November 9, 1799,   This event is also considered by some historians to be the official end of the French Revolution. Napoleon and his allies formed a new political regime, called the consulate where Napoleon was elected to the position of the first console, obtaining dictator and like powers and control over the most important affairs of France, concerned to legitimize his power, Napoleon drafted the constitution of the year eight and secured his own election as the first console, choosing the twillery Palace as his residents. the Constitution was approved in a fraudulent plebiscite, with 99% of the votes in favor. During Napoleon's time in Egypt, France had lost almost all the territories, it had conquered in the war of the first coalition to reverse the situation, Napoleon set out again for northern Italy, where he faced Austrian armies, inspired by the tactics of the famous general Hannibal Barca.Napoleon surprised his enemies by crossing the Swiss Alps and reaching Italy via an unexpected route, difficult crossing the French army entered the plains of Northern Italy without encountering much resistance from the enemy forces. In June, the 14th 1800, the Battle of Marengo took place. Napoleon commanded 24,000 troops against 30,000 Austrians, the Austrian forces had an apparent advantage, but the French lines never broke in their tactical retreat. Napoleon road constantly among the troops, urging them to resist and fight. Near the end of the day, the French overcame a general     Micheal millisievert surprise attack, driving the Austrians, out of Italy, in just one month, Napoleon forced the Austrians to sign the new peace treaty. Finally consolidating his political position in Paris as the first council of France. Napoleon's new position created a new wave of dangerous enemies. Among them, opponents belonging to the monarchist parties and Jacobin extremists who came to fear the man whose ambition seemed limitless. There are reports that Napoleon suffered several assassination attempts. The most famous occurred in Paris on the night of December 24 1800 Napoleon was traveling toward the opera to see Joseph Haydn's oratorio, when a carriage exploded on the street, just as his courage passed. Napoleon survived the bombing unharmed, although the explosion killed a dozen spectators, about 40 people were injured, and several buildings were damaged or destroyed. Police investigations found those responsible for making the bomb, who was executed on April the 20th 1801. After a decade of constant warfare, France and Britain signed the Treaty on Amiens in March 1802, ending the Revolutionary Wars with Europe at peace, and the economy recovering and Napoleon's popularity reached its highest levels, and he was recognized at home and abroad. In January 1804, the French police discovered a new assassination plot against Napoleon, that had the involvement of the bourbon family, the former rulers of France. In retaliation, Napoleon ordered the kidnapping of Louie d'Enghien

 and was quickly executed after a secret military trial, which angered Royal courts throughout Europe. It was one of the political factors that contributed to the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon used this new assassination plot to justify the creation of a regime based on the old Roman model. This would create a hereditary system for the Bonaparte family, who would have the right to rule France and the other conquered territories. Also, in 1804 Napoleon was elected, Emperor of the French by a vote count of over 99% With almost 3.6 million voters this devotion of the French population to Napoleon is considered a rare event in human history. Napoleon's coronation made official like Pope Pius the seventh took place on December second, 1804 At Notre dame  Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon entered the ceremony wearing the golden laurel wreath and kept it on his head throughout the proceedings, honoring the customs of the ancient Roman Empire. A second ground, a replica of Charlemagne was brought for the ceremony. This was symbolically raised above Napoleon's head, but placed on the head of his wife, Josephine, making her Empress of all France. The following year, Napoleon was also crowned King of Italy, with the Iron Cross of Lombardi in Milan Cathedral. In May, the 26th 1805 among his generals, he chose 18 Imperial marshals to ensure the loyalty of the French army. But the peaceful period had come to an end in Europe. Britain broke the peace treaty and allied itself with the Holy Roman Empire, Russia, Sweden, and Austria. Starting the bore of the third coalition, Napoleon knew that the French fleet could not defeat the British Royal Navy in a direct battle, so he planned to lure it, away from the English Channel. The plan fell apart after the British victory at the Battle of key Finisterra in July 1805, where the French Navy was again, torn apart by British ships, 

realizing that he would have problems if the Austrians received reinforcements from the Russian armies, Napoleon moved his army to Southern Germany. The Battle of Um took place between October 16 and 19th 1805. The battle of Um is generally considered a strategic masterpiece, Napoleon organize his troops to flank and surround enemy positions, forcing the surrender of Austrian General Karl mock and capturing a total of 60,000 troops, the French exemplary performance and planned battles was not shared by the French naval Squadron, which suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Trafalgar on October 21 against the British Royal Navy. That was the last time the Royal Navy was seriously challenged by a French fleet during the Napoleonic Wars. After the old campaign, French forces captured Vienna, in November, the fall of Vienna provided the French with a huge reward, capturing 100,000 muskets 500 cannons at the unharmed bridges over the Danube River. On December, the second, the Battle of Austerlitz was fought in Monrovia. The battle is often considered a tactical example to be followed. Given the near-perfect execution of a calibrated but still dangerous plant with the same stature as the battle, Kenny fought by Hannibal Barca against Rome, some 2000 years earlier, the Allied disaster at Austerlitz significantly shook the feet of Emperor Francis the second of the Holy Roman Empire, France, and Britain again agreed.

  to sign an armistice between the two powers. 

Napoleon even said The Battle of Austerlitz is the best of all those in which I have ever fought after Austerlitz Napoleon divided the Conquer German states and established the Confederation of the Brine, ending the Holy Roman Empire, the territorial reorganization eventually alarm, the Kingdom of Prussia, which felt threatened by the steady events of the French. 

King Frederick William the third of Prussia, eventually gave in to the pleas of his wife and ministers, forming new alliances with Russia Saxony, Sweden, and Great Britain, The war the fourth coalition against Napoleon began. Napoleon invaded Prussia, with 180,000 troops marching rapidly on the right bank of the Sol River at the battles, Yena and Orsted on October 14 The French quickly defeated the Prussians, who suffered heavy casualties, several enemy commanders were killed or disabled. This victory was especially profitable for Napoleon's army. In one month, the French managed to capture over 2000 cannons and hundreds of ammunition wagons. Then, Napoleon and his troops captured the city of Berlin, the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia, there was huge plunder in the city and Prussia became a client state of France, forced to pay large indemnities while in the city, Napoleon visited the tomb of Frederick the Great former King of Prussia, he repeatedly told his marshals, Hats off gentlemen, if you were alive, you would not be here today. 

In 1806, Napoleon sought to form new alliances in the Middle East. The Ottoman Emperor Selime the third recognize Napoleon as an ally as the king of the Shah Qatar of the Persian Empire, But Napoleon was unable to form effective alliances due to the intervention of Britain and Russia, who declared war in the Ottoman Empire, Napoleon was now a living legend and few would dare challenge his position as emperor or general on the battlefield. But his future would still have many twists and turns and great moments 

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